Go To The Source

vine17In case you wanted some more reading material, Erwin has very kindly pointed us towards some good websites. Now, by “good”, I can only assume that he means reliable and informative.

Let’s just have a little look at his list. What’s really interesting here is that all of these sites make references to whale.to. Now, if you’re of a more logical persuasion than Erwin, you might not be familiar with what whale.to actually is. Let me explain…

Whale.to is a site owned and run by an English pig farmer. The site contains every conspiracy theory known to man and is known throughout the internet as being a dumping ground for all things psuedoscientific. My only objection to that summary is that there is little there which can be thought to contain enough science to pass for psuedoscientific. I would prefer the term full-blown nutbaggery, but each to their own.

If you don’t believe me, just head on over to whale.to and click at random. This is what I came up with from my random click:

Reptilian DNA (Cain bloodlines) Reptilian

Blood (Satanism)


The Illuminati, the clique which control the direction of the world, are genetic hybrids, the result of interbreeding between a reptilian extraterrestrial race and humanity many thousands of years ago. The centre of power is not even in this dimension — it is in the lower fourth dimension, the lower astral as many people call it, the traditional home for the “demons” of folklore and myth. These fourth dimensional reptilian entities work through these hybrid bloodlines because they have a vibrational compatibility with each other. This is why the European royal and aristocratic families have interbred so obsessively, as do the so called Eastern Establishment families of the United States which produce the leaders of America. Every presidential election since and including George Washington in 1789 has been won by the candidate with the most European royal genes. Of the 42 presidents to Bill Clinton, 33 have been genetically related to two people, Alfred the Great, King of England, and Charlemagne, the most famous monarch of what we now call France. It is the same wherever you look in the positions of power.. they are the same tribe! THE ILLUMINATI MILLENNIUM RITUALS by Arizona Wilder

Whew, you’re lucky I decided not to post the whole article – it actually gets worse! So why don’t you play along at home? Or, for an added degree of difficulty, you can try to weave one of these crackpot conspiracies into a conversation without losing friends.

Scopie’s Law probably sums up this site a little more succinctly: “In any discussion involving science or medicine, citing Whale.to as a credible source loses you the argument immediately …and gets you laughed out of the room.”

Very true. And yet, it appears to be the very site that the entire antivaccinationist movement depends upon. So what is the actual publishing process over at whale.to? Well, you just sit at home and bang out the most ludicrous rubbish that pops into your mind and email it to the  pig farm and voila, you’re published. So really, it is quite baffling that anyone would think to actually cite this stuff in any sort of rational argument.

But, whilst the site is laughable in the lunacy that abounds, what is really not funny is that this site is being used to shape people’s health care choices. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want my child’s health put in the hands of someone who believes that reptilian overlords are controlling the world. And no, I did not just make that up – it’s on whale.to.

Rabid Rhetoric

Erwin himself freely admits that he has no medical qualifications to speak of, but that doesn’t stop him from dishing out the medical advice. His explanation? He has a functioning brain and has read a lot on vaccination. Whilst I don’t doubt that he has read vast quantities of vaccination articles, I do doubt the quality of his reading material after following some of his recommended links.

Which is why I get so upset when I see Erwin-not-a-doctor-Alber give advice like this:

Rabies conspiracy

He is asked for his opinion on post-rabies exposure treatment. There is, of course, a rabies immunoglobulin available for post-exposure in unimmunised people, but he avoids this topic as it might require him conceding that there is some merit to this whole immunological debate. Instead, he is adamant that he would not receive the vaccine. He continues to share his interesting ideas and poses the question, “I also wonder if people die of rabies because of [sic] they have like all of us been wrongly led to believe that rabies is invariably fatal.”???

Now, that was possibly a rhetorical question, but it might be fun to have a look at this mild little annoyance called rabies.

Hmm, the World Health Organisation seems to think that “once symptoms of the disease develop, rabies is nearly always fatal.” Nearly always fatal – that doesn’t sound good. And this is coming from the World Health Organisation. Do you think they might know something that Erwin-not-a-doctor-Alber doesn’t? Or are 55000 people convincing themselves to death each year?

Unravelling the Conspiracy

Here’s an excerpt from the VINE facebook page. Just to be clear – VINE stands for Vaccination Information Network. It’s important to point that out as the name clearly implies that this is a place to go for information.


As you can see, one of the posters on the page has some fairly wacky ideas on HIV. He states that viruses simply originate out of our own DNA and that pregnant women are much more likely to test positive for HIV. Now, what does Erwin have to say about this? This is his information page after all. Surely, it would be in his best interests to correct any sort of misinformation that arises. No. His response is actually a rambling expose on the growth industry that is government child snatching agencies. I think what he is getting at is that children are erroneously diagnosed as HIV positive so that the government can snatch them from their parents and presumably sell them to the highest bidder. Or something like that. I’m not entirely sure as I’m not fluent in crazy, but that’s my translation, for what it’s worth.

I don’t know Erwin, that sounds a little fishy. Do you think you could spell out for me exactly what this HIV caper is all about?


Oh, right, HIV doesn’t actually exist. Of course! It was so obvious! So the government comes up with some test and then when they diagnose you as having this non-existent virus they then have the perfect victim to sell their hideously expensive anti-retroviral drugs to. You are so clever to unravel that Erwin.

There’s just a couple of things that don’t quite make sense to me though. Maybe that book that you direct your followers to every couple of days might clear things up a little. The book is called “Animal Research Takes Lives,” but shall henceforth be referred to as Erwin’s bible due to his constant reference to it. Erwin can be frequently seen saying that he “used to believe in vaccination myself for many years until I came across this information which caused the wool to fall from my eyes so-to-speak.” Well, this must be quite the impressive book to cause such a complete change of thinking.

Feeling the need to be better informed on the topic, I followed the link provided by Erwin (http://www.health.org.nz/vacgen.html) and found myself staring at chapter 5, Vaccinations General – The Conspiracy. It has the word conspiracy in the title, so you just know it’s going to be good. But, will it help my tiny brain to understand Erwin’s complex theory of HIV?

Although antibiotics, antipyretics, steroids, analgesics, x-rays, water fluoridation, cigarettes etc, can all claim credit for the out of control world-wide epidemic of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS)… nothing is in the same class as vaccination.”

Ok, now I’m really confused. The above quote is on the first page of the link that Erwin provided and instead of clearing up my confusion, it has merely added to it.

Erwin’s continued denial of the very existence of HIV is disconcerting, to say the least. But now, here in Erwin’s bible, the very book that inspired his anti-vax stance, we have a complete opposition to his opinion. How very strange. What’s even stranger is that I think most rational people would consider both opinions to be blatantly wrong.

The above quote from Erwin’s bible is unfortunately a stand-alone quote. Like most of the statements contained in Erwin’s bible, there is absolutely no follow-up information to attempt to explain what is possibly one of the dumbest sentences I’ve ever read. I mean, what sort of mode of transmission are they suggesting? And, at the end of the day, the initial outbreak of HIV was in communities with very little access to any of these things.


I hate to say it Erwin, but if the first page of your bible that you link to so incessantly, contains such blatant and repellant misinformation, I really do have to question the validity of the entire book. And, I’m afraid that it does reflect poorly on yourself and your “information network” that you continue to send people there, presumably with the intention of better educating them. In addition, due to the fact that you repeatedly cite this book as the source of your anti-vax campaigns, I have to question the validity of your entire philosophy.